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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I want you to put it inside me.
« Slovenian »
jaz biti brez vi položiti to notri mi.
yours truly to want for you to put this withindoors we.
That is so freaking cool. Why don't you go get a stupid fish that has a big blue spot on it?
« Hungarian »
Ez minden tehát furcsa hűvös. Miért te nem megy munkát szerezni hülye hal amit birtokol egy nagy kék folt rajta?
That's all ergo strange chilly. Why you haven't he is going to get work stupid fish that possesses one mickle blue spot on it?
Behold the mighty dragon!!! Oh, well, what the fuck.
« Croatian »
Vidjeti jak zmaj!!! Oh , kvalitetno , što karati.
To see unquenchable dragon!!! Oh , meeting high standards , which scold.
that is no moon. that is a space station
« Croatian »
taj je nijedan Mjesec. taj je prostor statičan
this had on no account Month. this had December static
by slay4 McG33
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« Slovenian »
vi ste neverjeten lep postaviti ženske. hoteti vi združiti mi zakaj a pitje?
you are wondrously well featured woman. yammer you weld we why however wassail?
by Dan
you smell like tuna fish bitch
« Latin »
vos nidor amo tuna piscis piscis bitch
you vapor to love tuna fish bitch
« German »
As a scientist, does it bother you that all your discoveries, no matter how profound will be proven wrong?
« Croatian »
Kao znanstvenik , se Internet gnjaviti te taj svi tvoj proistjecanje , kakogod vrlo dubok htijenje biti provenijencija izvrnut?
As a literary man , does IT harass these this all yours discovering , of how profound volition to be provenance wrong?
I spank your wife every night.
« Japanese »
I every night strike your wife with the open hand.
I love you very much.
« Korean »
사랑해요 대단히.
The unit which loves only.
Nice shirts like you!