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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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No way I am going to fish the blah blah
« Czech »
Nikterak Hodlám kus dřeva člen určitý blah blah
Nowise I am going to fish the welfares welfares
what does estúpido mean in spanish?
« Spanish »
¿qué el estúpido significa en español?
what the stupid one means in Spanish?
I want to eat your babies.
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to eat your baby.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.
« Japanese »
2つの事は無限である: 宇宙および人間の愚かさ; そしてI' 宇宙についてのm本当に。
Two things are unlimited: Foolishness of outer space and human; And I' Concerning outer space m truly.
you smell like tuna fish bitch
« Latin »
vos nidor amo tuna piscis piscis bitch
you vapor to love tuna fish bitch
I ride my bike whatever the weather may be but I try to be careful.
« Korean »
나는 날씨가이 일지모른다 나가 조심하는 것을 시도한다 무엇이건 나의 자전거를 탄다.
I do not know and the weather guy log and to go out the fact that takes care what is or rides the bicycle.
As a scientist, does it bother you that all your discoveries, no matter how profound will be proven wrong?
« Croatian »
Kao znanstvenik , se Internet gnjaviti te taj svi tvoj proistjecanje , kakogod vrlo dubok htijenje biti provenijencija izvrnut?
As a literary man , does IT harass these this all yours discovering , of how profound volition to be provenance wrong?
I can haz cheezburger?
« German »
Ich kann haz cheezburger?
I can haz more cheezburger?
Hoje eu to meio legal, mais sei la nu é que nem é outros dia ta ligado.
« Korean »
오늘 나는 당신 법적인 단계, 더 많은 것 거기 적나라한 나가 그것다는 것을 도 아니다 하나에 다른 일이 당신 다는 것을 알고 있다.
Hoje mim você a fase que é legal, mais coisa que o lugar mim que são despidos ele o trabalho que é diferente em um igualmente a coisa que gasta não é você am que sei o fato que gasta.
essa não fiz merda!
« English »
this I did not make excrement!
isto eu não fiz o excremento!
Nice shirts like you!