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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Fuck me hard
« Chinese (traditional) »
Difficultly with my sexual intercourse
another one bites the dust
« Croatian »
drugi neki gristi prašina
latter certain worry powder
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Turkish »
rendelemek geçici sıçramak iniş içinde bkz. harbour
plane passing spring descent in bkz. war academy
Snap Crackle Pop
« Italian »
Schiocco a schiocco di Crackle
I crack to I crack of Crackle
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Slovenian »
zravnati pomožen brizg pristanek v luka
smooth up tributary squirt landing within port
« German »
Sorting drawer
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« Italian »
Spiacente! Voi ha digitato troppo testo o we' re realmente occupato. Provi prego ancora!
Spiacente! You have typed too much text or we' really occupied king. Tests I still pray!
On the whole my shit hole is unholy and full of holes.
« Italian »
Nel complesso il mio foro della merda è pericolosa e pieno dei fori.
On the whole my hole of the merda is dangerous and full of the holes.
by Samuel
O ronaldo faz parte de um bando de louco.
« Latin »
Ronaldo est secui of an insane alio grex.
Ronaldo é ao corte de ou à demência a uma outra multidão do lugar.
beam me up, scotty
« Slovenian »
žarek mi ki gre gor , Škot
rusty we whom gre upward , Scotty
Nice shirts like you!