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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I have pink blinds
« Italian »
Ho ciechi dentellare
I have blind people to indent
Forget everything you know about Alzheimers.
« Korean »
당신이 Alzheimers에 관하여 알고 있는 모두 잊으십시오.
About you this Alzheimers are knowing and all forget.
I can has cheeseburger.
« Japanese »
I can do [chizubaga] which is eaten.
Suck my cock bitch
« Slovenian »
vpijanje svoj pokonci postaviti zoprn
suck your erect untowardly
Guess what?! I got a fever, and the only prescription... is more cowbell!
« Icelandic »
Giska á hvaða?! ÉG got a hiti , og the eini fyrirskipun. er fleiri týtuber!
Giska á river ;fn)?! I litter a temperature , and the sole prescription. is further mountain cranberry!
by Rick
That would be harsher punishment for parole violators. And world peace.
« Spanish »
Ése sería un castigo más áspero para los violadores de libertad condicional. Y paz del mundo.
That one would be a rougher punishment for the rapists of conditional freedom. And peace of the world.
let me take care of you
« Welsh »
ad 'm adneua 'ch
crooked ' ores I take care of ' dogs
I fuck your ass
« Chinese (simplified) »
I and your donkey sexual intercourse
by Ibad
You light up my life.
« Serbian »
Te sjaj moj život.
You polish my existence.
by Troy
Die in a fire.
« Finnish »
Kuihtua kotona ampua.
Die in plug.
Nice shirts like you!