Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Ballmer! Woooh! Come on! Come on! Give it up! Give it up! Come on!! Woooh! Augh! Come on! Give it up for me! Woooh! Woooooooh! Come on!!!!! Who said, "sit down?" [panting] I have four words for you: I. love. this. company. Yeeeahss!
皆さん、スティーブBallmer! Woooh! さあ! さあ! それをあきらめなさい! それをあきらめなさい! さあ!! Woooh! Augh! さあ! 私のためにそれをあきらめなさい! Woooh! Woooooooh! さあ!!!!! だれが言ったか、" 座りなさいか。" [喘ぐこと]私はあなたのための4ワードを有する: I.愛。 これ。 会社。 Yeeeahss!
Everyone and Steve Ballmer! Woooh! [a]! [a]! Abandon that! Abandon that! [a]!! Woooh! Augh! [a]! Abandon that because of me! Woooh! Woooooooh! [a]!!!!! Someone said, " Sit down? " [Panting] I possess 4 words because of you: I. love. This. Company. Yeeeahss!