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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
the car is moving at high speed.
« Norwegian »
bilen flytter for høy fart.
auto displace for hay speed.
The girl is here.
« Norwegian »
Piken er her over.
Bird am here above.
let's get down tonight, let's celebrate
« Korean »
오늘 밤 내려오자, 경축하자
Tonight descend, celebration flaw
fuck your mother
« Spanish »
coja a su madre
it takes to its mother
What's a nice girl like you doing in a joint like this?
« Welsh »
Beth s a 'n glws bachgennes cara 'ch yn gwneud mewn chwgn cara hon?
Thing sound I go ' heartburn pretty girl I love ' dogs doing in knot I love this?
by JimG
rug muncher.
« Dutch »
deken muncher.
barristers president muncher.
Oh dear god, please save my child!
« Japanese »
If my child is excluded, the God which becomes love of Ohio state,!
by Adam Panzer
Do you have any idea what you have done? You silly fool, you have doomed us all!
« Japanese »
What which it does it possesses thought? The foolish idiot, we were destined entirely!
by Adam Panzer
This class blows hymen. I want to kill myself.
« Icelandic »
This tegund blása meyjarhaft. ÉG vilja til drepa ég sjálfur.
This variety blow maidenhead. I chance rub out myself.
by Scott
Everytime I try something different, I am sometimes amused, and other times not
« Japanese »
Everytime I の試み別の何か私は時々、他の時間ない楽しみ
Attempt another something of Everytime I I occasionally the pleasure which is not other time
Nice shirts like you!