Holly shit, it's Batman!
« Korean »
The holly human waste and the boat thu it is very,!
Ugly ducks taste like chicken
« Latin »
Unseemly ducks taste to love young
I tumbled violently down the rolling hills to the rocks below.
JEG ramle heftig nede den rullende bakker hen til den gynge nedenstående.
I crash violent down the rolling rises to the swing at foot.
Oh, shit!
¡Oh, mierda!
Oh, excrement!
La abeja maya, se tira un pedo y se desmaya
Abeja, pedo y desmaya mayas de la echada
same old same old
« Korean »
It is identical and long becomes and long the identical water which
by pwyf
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Mig benævne er Inigo Måned. Jer dræbt mig fader. Lægge til rette hen til omkomme.
Me designate is Inigo Month. You killed me father. Organize to perish.
Your eyes are beautiful
þinn augsýn ert fallegur
Thy eyeshot art toothsome
by glitch
Are your parents rich?
Ydy 'ch rhieni 'n abl?
He is being ' dogs parents ' heartburn able?
by Rachel Benn
Tux el pinguino de Linux, es la neta del planeta!
Tux은 리눅스의pinguino, 행성의 순수한 것개
El Tux es el perro de la cosa que el pinguino y el planeta del linux
es puros,!
by levhita