Blockland rules your mom sucks.
« Danish »
Blockland rules yours mom suckle.
I made you a cookie, but I ate it.
« Turkish »
I den done you a cook , but I ate he.
héchate algo en el bar
héchate noe i retning av stangen
héchate algo a lo largo de las líneas de poste
by Dan
You're hot!
« Greek »
You are boiling hot!
English to _________ and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
Yo mom
Yo mom
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Publish It!
* Top Rated
* Most Recent
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I can play the guitar like a mother fucking riot.
« Spanish »
I know to touch the guitar like an excrement uproar of the mother.
I raped your family and burnt your house down.
« Icelandic »
I rape thy house and burn thy house fuzz.
Oh, shit!
« Korean »
Human waste of Ohio!
Pubic hair.
« Korean »
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
« Welsh »
' heartburn morning to bed I go ' heartburn morning to rise makes man ' heartburn healthy , ' heartburn moneyed , I go ' heartburn grave.
I can't wait to be alone with you
« Danish »
I cant await to be single-handed by you
Burn in hell.
« Korean »
Inside hell art dealer.
Would you like to suck my cock?
« Japanese »
You think that my male it is we would like to inhale the chicken?
I'm extremely bored so I'm using this website to gain entertainment.
« Finnish »
I'm jolly bored so I'm using this tissue to gain amusement.
My place or yours?
« Croatian »
My physical location or yours?
1 2 3 4 5 ... 14 | Next >
1 - 10 of 134
« Latin »
BlahblahFishTM English when _________ and back again. Notice anyone lost ( or gain ) upon to repeat. Yo mom Yo mom empty-headed offense deep To spread This! * Head Rated * The most Sudden empty-headed offense deep Click smiley when church province this upwards!:) 17 I can to run riot guitar to love a mother fucking uprising. « Spanish » I to occupy to touch guitar to love or excrement uproar of mother :) 14 I raped your family and exussum your household down. « Icelandic » I rape thy household and exussum thy household fuzz. Oh shit! « Korean » Human to weaken of Ohio! Pubic hair. « Korean » to press upon :) 8 Morning when bed and morning when rise , to set in place a man sound , rich , and wise. « Welsh » heartburn rising when bed I go heartburn rising when rise to set in place man heartburn sound heartburn pertaining to a journey , I go heartburn grave :) 7 I can't to look for to be one you « Danish » I chant to look at to be single hand you :) 7 Exussum upon hell. « Korean » Sit upon something hell monastic rule to barter Would you to love when to drink up my cock? « Japanese » You to reckon when my badly this is we would to love when remain young? I'm intensely tedium so I'm using this website to gain entertainment. « Finnish » I'm jolly tedium so I'm using this a web to gain amusement. :) 5 My place or your? « Croatian » My physical place or your? 1 2 3 4 5. 14 | then of 134
El gobernante de Cuba, Raúl Castro, pidió a los cubanos apretarse el cinturón para reactivar la deteriorada economía de la isla y sustentar un socialismo realista, sin mencionar hasta ahora nuevos cambios esperados por la población, lo que ha provocado decepción en algunas personas.
A kormányzó -ból Kuba Raul ÉN herélt , keresztül a Kubaiak -hoz megszorít a öv -hoz életre kelt a súlyosbított gazdaság -ból sziget és -hoz tart egy valószerû szocializmus , nélkül mostanáig említ új megváltozik vár részére -nél lakosság , melyik birtokol hozott körülbelül csalás -ban néhány ember.
El ból Cuba Raúl del manejo ES yo castró, a través de los cubanos que la producción aprieta la producción de la zona vitalice la isla agravada del ból de las talegas y rinda toman un socialismo realista, sin hasta ahora mencione que nuevo varíe she' s que aguarda para la población del nél, que posee traído una cierta interdicción del fraude alguna gente.
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Vilém , činit tebe brát Kateřina až k být tvůj právoplatný oženil se žena?
William , amount you nibble Katherine to subsist yours rightful wedded woman?
by Rachel Benn
I kick ass.
« German »
I step donkeys.
Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
Women shouldn't iustus exsisto housewives they should have a vox ut a tutela pariter!
Women shouldn't just to emerge housewives they should fui a cry when a protection likewise!
by Rachel Benn
A caballo regalado, no le mires el dentado
-on meghatározott ló , csinálsz nem néz a bekapcsol számára
en caballo determinado, usted no hace es él que mira la vuelta encendido a él