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John McCain was the finest Republican presidential candidate since George W Bush, and is in no way senile or decrepit.
« Japanese »
As for John McCain was not the Republican Party candidate for the presidency whose ever since of the George W bush is best and, old age characteristic or the old age wart [re] it is absolutely.
sarah palin can see russia from her house
« Latin »
sarah vallum can animadverto russia ex suus domus
sarah ditch can notice russia out of his household
i love you.
« Japanese »
I love.
Je bent een ongelofelijk welgevormde vrouw. Wil je met mij de koffer in duiken?
« Latin »
Vos es an incredibilis informis mulier. Vos me does trunk does volo dive in?
U bent of ongelooflijke vormlooze vrouw. U me doet verminkt ik wilt verscheuren op?
Je bent een ongelofelijk mooie vrouw. Wil je met mij de koffer in duiken?
« English »
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. With me does the trunk does want you dive in?
U bent een ongelooflijk mooie vrouw. Doet met me de boomstam wil u binnen duiken?
George W. Bush
« Latin »
George W. frutex
Agricultural W. shrub
by Laugur
holy cow this website is fucking crazy like a wild ass
« Chinese (traditional) »
Oh this website is a sexual intercourse crazy elephant wild donkey
look, a homosexual!
« Icelandic »
útlit a hommi!
semblance a homosexual!
look, a homosexual!
« Czech »
hledět , jeden homosexual!
view , a homophile!
im going to kill you later tonight at the baseball diamond
« Japanese »
At the infield killing after the tonight im where it goes
Nice shirts like you!