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Your momma so fat, she broke your family tree.
« Japanese »
The fat of your so momma, she broke your genealogy.
by Warren
Hi, my nme is gabriel, what is your name?
« Japanese »
Today, as for my nme Gabriel, it is your name which is what?
The nail that sticks out will be hammered.
« Italian »
Il chiodo che attacca fuori sarà martellato.
The nail that attacks outside will be hammered.
Fuck you all up with your suits and ties and your fucking seals, with their balls and barking, just like Bob Barker with his spaying and controlling the pet population.
« Chinese (simplified) »
With your complete sexual intercourse the seal which and you should die with yours clothes and the tie, and roars with theirs ball, with excises the ovary and the control pet group his Bob rosser likely.
Fuck you all up with your suits and ties and your fucking seals, with their balls and barking, just like Bob Barker with his spaying and controlling the pet population.
« French »
Baisez-vous tout vers le haut avec vos costumes et cravates et vos joints foutus, avec leurs boules et l'écorcement, juste comme Bob Barker avec le sien qui spaying et qui commande la population d'animal familier.
Kiss you upwards with your costumes and ties and your joints foutus, with their balls and l' barking, just like Bob Barker with his which spaying and which orders the population d' familiar animal.
My friend is addicted to coca cola and he has a very severe problem. Please I want someone to help him, maybe you can.
« French »
Mon ami est adonné au coca-cola et il a un problème très grave. Je veuillez vouloir que quelqu'un l'aide, peut-être vous peux.
My friend is devoted to the Coke and it has a very serious problem. I want to want that quelqu' a l' helps, perhaps can you.
i would like to place my penis between your breasts. i will offer you money!
« Korean »
나는 당신의 유방 사이에서 나의 남근을 두고 싶으면. 나는 당신에게 돈을 제안할 것이다!
I the penis from between of your breast, when wants. Me in you will propose the money!
With great power, comes great responsibility!
« Serbian »
S velik sila , dogoditi se velik odgovornost!
WITH whooper coercion , befall whooper liability!
English to Korean and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Korean »
영어를 한국어로와 뒤 다시. what'를 보십시오; s는 (또는 얻었다) 잃었다 번역에서.
English after again with with the Korean language. (It loses but) that it gets, see inside translate.
Why so serious?
« Welsh »
Paham fel 'n brudd?
Why like ' heartburn grave?
Nice shirts like you!