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This website, is by far, the biggest waste of time on the internet!
« Filipino »
ito website , ay nina malayo , ang biggest aksayahin ng takdaan ng oras sa ang interno!
it website , are by remote , the biggest waste of time toward the intern!
This website, is by far, the biggest waste of time on the internet!
« Japanese »
As for this web sight, the time when Internet is largest are wastefulness far!
Have fun storming the castle
« Japanese »
When being pleasant, pass the fact that it crashes in the castle
Have fun storming the castle
« Welsh »
Ca cellwair storming 'r castella
I have joke may satisfy ' group I castle
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
« Italian »
Quanto legno nel mandrino una marmotta nordamericana bloccherebbe se un mandrino di legno potesse bloccare il legno nel mandrino?
How much wood in the bloccherebbe mandrel a North American beaver if a wood mandrel could block the wood in the mandrel?
blah blah fish
« Chinese (traditional) »
Talks nonsense the fish
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
« Greek »
Τα ραβδιά και οι πέτρες μπορούν να σπάσουν τα κόκκαλά μου αλλά τα ονόματα δεν θα με βλάψουν ποτέ
The spillikins and the Stones can break my [kokkala] but names will not harm me never
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
« Japanese »
Or as for the stone as for the name which breaks my bone I am not damaged under any condition
Heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race
« Finnish »
Parantaa maailma , ehtiä se vedonlyöjä kohta ajaksi te ja ajaksi we ja ehjä ihmis- ajaa
Ameliorate world , make it better entry for you and for me and entire human drift
how many blondes does it take to change a light bulb?
« Portuguese »
quantos louros toma para mudar uma ampola?
how many blond it takes to change a blister?
Nice shirts like you!