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mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
« Korean »
벽에 거울 거울은, 누구 그(것)들 전부의 가장 공정하다?
The mirror mirror the (thing) field whole of who most is fair in the wall?
dang dude why you even got to do a thing, you know.
« Chinese (traditional) »
why does the dang dandy you retaliate does the matter, you knew.
i'm gonna take a shit on your chest, mother fucker. i'm gonna cut you in half and puke down your insides, you bag of crap. i'm so pissed right now.
« Korean »
i' 당신의 가슴, 어머니 멍청이에 배설물을 가지고 가기 위하여 가는 m. i' 반에서 당신을 잘라 당신의 안, 당신의 아래 puke 가는 m 쓰레기의 부대. i' m는 이렇게 지금 소변을 봤다.
i' Has the body waste in your breast and the mother fool in order to go goes m. i' Cuts anti-from you and inside and your lower part puke you goes the unit of the m trash. i' The m saw the urine like this now.
well dog i don't know basically i just wanna go fight a dude or take a ride, you know
« Korean »
좋은 개 I don' t는 기본적으로 나가 다만 전투 멋쟁이 가고 싶거나 탐, 당신을 가지고 가기 위하여 아십시오 알고 있다
Good dog I don' t going out basically and only the combatant dandy wanting going, or burning, has you and in order to go know is knowing
Holy shit, Welsh is a crazy fucking language. Seriously, look at this fucking language! What the shit?
« Welsh »
'n gysegr-lân cacha , Cymraeg ydy a crazy fucking dafodiaith. 'n brudd , edrych ar hon fucking dafodiaith! Beth 'r cacha?
' heartburn holy I shit , Welsh he is being I go crazy fucking speech. ' heartburn grave , look at this fucking speech! Thing ' group I shit?
Hey, dude. Wanna go get some brews and hump my ass?
« Hungarian »
Hé , divatmajom. Wanna megy kap némely főzés és púp az én -m csacsi?
Ahoy , modish. Wanna he is going to get some brewing and snub my m burro?
I love to dance around naked. All day long. Semper games.
« Croatian »
JA hatar to ples okolo gol. Svi dan čeznuti. Semper pobjednik "na psihologiju".
I love this leap round unadorned. All day yearn. Semper winner " at an psychic ".
« Italian »
English speaking people smell bad.
« Swedish »
Engelsk-talande folk lukt dålig.
British - expressive people smell bad.
change we can believe in
« Chinese (simplified) »
Changes us to be able to believe
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