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an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
« Chinese (traditional) »
An eye for an eye, tits for fat
i think therefore, i am
« Korean »
나는 그러므로, 나 이다 생각한다
I am and therefore, i think
We were like peas in a pod.
« Icelandic »
Við varúlfur eins og smábóndi í a fræbelgur.
Accustom werewolf as though smallholder into a shuck.
Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat some beans at every meal.
« Japanese »
You feel better with all meals and if therefore a certain bean is eaten sounds sounds more, if you eat more, many, the fruit of the bean, the bean and magic.
Who cares?
« Portuguese »
Quem se importa?
Who is imported?
hook up with naughty girls!
« Japanese »
Cooperate with the girl mischievous!
by lolol
hook up with naughty girls!
« Icelandic »
krókur upp með óþekkur stúlka!
serif up unruly difficulties!
by lolol
All your base are belong to us
« Icelandic »
Allur þinn undirstaða ert tilheyra okkur
Total thy lower bound art pertain us
by lolol
Please stop kicking me. I'm about to go postal on you.
« Korean »
저를 걷어차는 중지하십시오. I' 당신에 우편에 갈 것이다 대략 m.
Kick hard me and discontinue. I' The approximately m will go to a mail in you.
I need to walk the dog, feed the cat, water the birds, and cook breakfast.
« Korean »
나에 의하여 개 걸을 필요가 있고, 고양이를 먹이고, 새 및 요리사 조반이 급수한다.
In compliance with me the dog there is a necessity which will walk, the cat the ink and the bird and the cook breakfast supply water.
Nice shirts like you!