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To explore new worlds and boldy go, where no man has gone before.
« Hungarian »
-hoz kikutat új világ és merész megy , hol nem ember birtokol elveszett előtt.
yield grub new world and high-spirited he is going to , where not man possesses he had been lost before.
Sometimes I like to take long walks on the beach.
« Korean »
때때로 나는 바닷가에 긴 산책하고 싶다.
Is long from time to time in the seashore and takes a walk.
i like play with computer
« Norwegian »
jeg like lek med computer
I equal game along with computer
i like play with computer
« Italian »
gradico il gioco con il calcolatore
gradico the game with the calculating
Traduz esse lixo então seu cara de cadela
« Filipino »
kanya face ng sundan-sundan tagapagsalin ito basura noon
sua cara de segue - siga o tradutor ele sujidade então
by fino
Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony
« Norwegian »
Yankee Doodle kom å by , gjøre narr av opp på en hest
Yankee Doodle arrived to later , make fun of up at a horse
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep And cannot tell where to find them
« Japanese »
Small Bo loses, finds those which cannot say her sheep somewhere, you exclude
I dropped the laundry again.
« Greek »
Έριξα το πλυντήριο πάλι.
I again threw the washing-machine.
you must have enjoyed playing with her
« Russian »
вы должны насладиться играть с ей
you must take pleasure to play with it
In Soviet Russia, sentence translates you!
« Russian »
В советском Россия, предложение переводит вас!
In the Soviet Russia, proposal transfer you!
Nice shirts like you!