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We the turkish people like very much to eat sheep meat
« Turkish »
biz belgili tanımlık Türk insanlar beğenmek pek -e doğru yemek koyun et
we the Turk people like become firm had straight meal bosom meat
by Ron
I liked the film "sleeping with the enemy" starring the ugly acctress Julia Roberts
« Slovenian »
sem imel rad snemati " spanje s sovražnik " zvezdnat nelep acctress julijanski talar
I liked film " the land of nod with no mean foe " stellar unseemly acctress Julian vest
I am stroking my rooster.
« German »
Ich streiche meinen Hahn.
I paint mean cock.
blah blah fish
« Chinese (simplified) »
Nonsense nonsense fish
by Tim
Would you please scratch my rooster. It has a rash and loves it when you rub him.
« French »
Vous svp rayeriez mon coq. Il a une éruption et des amours il quand vous le frottez.
You please rayeriez my cock. It has an eruption and loves it when you rub it.
I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.
« Croatian »
JA htijenje ogrebotina tvoj leđa ukoliko ogrebotina minirati.
I volition scratch yours caudal if you scratch mine.
Em casa de ferreiro o espeto é de pau.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Na casa do ferreiro a corda é uma madeira.
by Wanderson Miranda
I prefer the horror genre.
« Chinese (traditional) »
I like the terrorist style.
by Archonus
Does he look like a bitch?
« Italian »
Assomiglia ad una femmina?
It is similar to a female?
by Archonus
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
« Italian »
Moneta falsa eccellente Bros. Diverbio
Counterfeit money excellent Bros. Diverbio
by CDiFan237
Nice shirts like you!