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Our Soviet Union subjugates the whole world Like a gigantic bear from the East. The sheep wander aimlessly, without any cause, Yet the Soviet bear's on the hunt. Our brotherhood's a good life, Our generosity is without compare. All those with us are strong, All those against us, beware. It'd be a shame if we had hardships. To all those around us, it's not worth your while If we were to turn you to ashes. We thank you profoundly, and bow to you deeply, From the mightiest nation in all the world.
« Russian »
Наш Советский Союз покоряет весь свет Как исполинский медведь от востока. Овцы бродяжничают безцельно, без любой причины, Но Совет bear' s на охоте. Наше brotherhood' жизнь A.S. хорошая, наша шедрость снаружи сравнивает. Вс те с нами сильны, Вс те против нас, beware. It' d стыд если мы имели беды. К всему те вокруг нас, it' стоимость s не ваш промежуток времени Если мы были повернуть вас к золам. Мы благодарим вас глубокомысленно, и обхватываем к вам глубоки, От самой могущественной нации в полностью мире.
Our Soviet Union subjugates the whole world As gigantic bear from the east. Sheep wander [beztselno], without any reason, But the council of bear' s on the hunting. Our brotherhood' life A.S good, our generosity outside compares. [Vs] those with us are strong, [Vs] those against us, beware. It' d shame if we had misfortunes. To everything those around us, it' cost s not your time interval if we were turn you to the ashes. We thank you thoughtfully, and we clench to you they are deep, from most powerful nation in completely the peace.
Hilfreich sei der Mensch; edel und gut!
« Chinese (traditional) »
人是有用的; 高尚地和很好!
Der Mensch ist nützlich; Edel und ist sehr gut!
This is fucking cool!
« French »
C'est baiser frais !
C' is to kiss fresh!
by Loodac
This is fucking cool!
« Spanish »
¡Éste es el coger fresco!
This one is fresh to take!
by Loodac
Strait from the horses mouth.
« Finnish »
Ahdinko polveutua hevosenkenkä kita.
Crowd from shod jaw.
by Firebeard20X6
Judging by the stupidity of the Welsh language, the Welsh people are obviously retards. Heartburn?
« Welsh »
Yn barnu at 'r hurtrwydd chan 'r Cymraeg , 'r Cymraeg boblogi ydy 'n amlwg retards. Heartburn?
Judging to ' group stupidity with ' group Welsh , ' group Welsh people he is being ' heartburn obvious retards. Heartburn?
by Firebeard20X6
Suck my pubes street dog!
« Korean »
나의 pubes 거리 개를 빠십시오!
Suck my pubes distance dogs!
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
« Japanese »
From hundred of tomorrow present 50.
by Firebeard20X6
What goes around comes around.
« Chinese (simplified) »
Anything takes a walk in all directions.
by ken
I like me some sweet chicken fried
« Latin »
EGO amo mihi nonnullus dulcis pullus amicus
I to love me some sweet young male friend
Nice shirts like you!