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When I look at your beautiful face, I weep in simple amazement.
« Croatian »
Našto JA pogledati tvoj lijep lice , JA plakati in jednostavan iznenađenje.
Whereupon I look at yours trig the license , I whimper in unsophisticated surprise.
When I look at your beautiful face, I weep in simple amazement.
« Dutch »
Wanneer ik uw mooi gezicht bekijk, huil ik in eenvoudige verbazing.
When I examine your beautiful face, I cry in simple stupefaction.
I don't miss you right now.
« Portuguese »
Mim don' falta de t você agora.
Me don' lack of t you now.
by bia
Everybody Wang Chung tonight.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Everybody Wang now Wan Zhong.
Today is the Inauguration of the great Barack Obama!
« Japanese »
今日は大きいBarack Obamaの就任式である!
Today is the inauguration system of large Barack Obama!
I design websites for a living.
« Greek »
Σχεδιάζω τους ιστοχώρους για μια διαβίωση.
I draw the websites on a existence.
by Lucian Dixon
I design websites for a living.
« French »
Je conçois des sites Web pour une vie.
I conceive Web sites for a life.
by Lucian Dixon
« Japanese »
It exposed
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
« Japanese »
力はJediに彼の力を与えるものがである。 It' sすべての生きている事によって作成されるエネルギー分野。 それは私達を囲み、突き通す。 それはギャラクシーを一緒に結合する。
As for power is something which gives that power to Jedi. It' The energy field which is drawn up by the fact that s everything has lived. That you surround us, pierce. That connects the galaxy together.
one small step for man one giant leap for mankind
« Japanese »
The step whose one for big leap of the human person of the mankind is small
Nice shirts like you!