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Feed the fish!
« Icelandic »
Fæða the fiskur!
Give birth to the fishy!
I would like my steak well-done, please.
« Japanese »
I beautiful, receive my stake.
We were born to be princes of the universe.
« Korean »
우리는 우주의 황태자이게 선천적 이었다.
Us to Crown Prince of outer space was inherent.
pistachio ice cream
« Korean »
피스타치오 아이스크림
The blood star hit the ice cream
He's the most effectual, intellectual, tippity-top, Top Cat!
« Russian »
He' s effectual, интеллектуально, tippity-верхняя часть, Топ Чат!
He' s of effectual, is intellectual, the tippity- upper part, the top chat room!
He's the most effectual, intellectual, tippity-top, Top Cat!
« Icelandic »
He's the áhrifaríkur , menntamaður , áfengi - toppur , Toppur Köttur!
He's the telling , educated man , spirits apex , Apex Puss!
It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
« Icelandic »
Það var a skær kuldi dagur í Apríl og the klukka varúlfur sláandi þrettán.
There var a vivid frigidity day into April and the timer werewolf striking thirteen.
Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise
« Japanese »
Then with the North Pole half light/write of the valley, all existence atrophies in existence of my mind, memory and sound of the river of the large black foot 4 count desire and the rhythm that and the fish is caught stand,
Never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to turn around and desert you.
« Czech »
Nikdy existující až k darovat tebe autobus , nikdy existující až k dovolit tebe dole , nikdy existující až k obrátit a neobydlený tebe.
Never subsistent to provide you bus , never subsistent to allow you underneath , never subsistent to wind plus waste you.
Quero tua risada mais gostosa, esse teu jeito de achar que a vida pode ser maravilhosa.
« Welsh »
Fi angen 'ch gostosa chwardd , hon 'ch celfyddyd at ca a 'r buchedd all bod 'n aruthr.
Eu preciso ' os cães apressaram-no riem, este ' os cães que a arte ao mim me tem vão ' a vida onde do grupo está podendo seja ' heartburn maravilhoso.
by Sabbag
Nice shirts like you!