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I saw a crack head in the park and he was laughing at nothing but a tree.
« Latin »
EGO saw a fragor caput capitis in ortus quod is eram rideo risi risum procul nusquam tamen a nemus.
I saw a crashing head upon birth and this was to laugh at far nowhere nothwithstanding a tree.
My Little Pony Friendship is magic
« Slovenian »
svoj neznaten konjiček prijateljstvo je čarodejstvo
your unimpressive tit intimity there is witchcraft
Welcome to Duncan Longden Photography.
« German »
Willkommen Fotographie zur Duncan-Longden.
Welcome photography to the Duncan Longden.
Quit playing games with my heart
« Japanese »
My center has been attached, the game which was stopped and plays
by Abby
suck my fury balls
« Japanese »
Inhale the sphere of my rage
I have a dry, itchy scalp. Do you have anything that can treat my ailment?
« Japanese »
私に乾燥した、itchy頭皮がある。 私の疾患を扱うことができる何でも有するか。
It dried in me, there is a itchy head skin. It possesses with anything which can handle my disease?
by James
Remember kids, if a stranger gives you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.
« Japanese »
Because the medicine is high, when others give the medicine, it is the child, you appreciate remember.
Your mom is so fat, when she went to the movies, she sat next to everyone.
« Italian »
La vostra mamma è così grassa, quando è andato al cinema, lei si è seduta vicino a tutto.
Your mother is thus fat, when she has gone to the cinema, she has been based near all.
Let's fuck all night and all day
« Japanese »
Let' 一晩中そして1日中sの性交
Let' All night and sexual intercourse of 1 Japan and China s
I bought clothes for my Korean doll.
« Chinese (simplified) »
I have bought my South Korean puppet's upper and lower garments.
Nice shirts like you!