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tomorrow never dies
« Korean »
내일 결코 죽지 않는다
Will not die tomorrow assuredly
by fiskeben
Fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym.
« Japanese »
Compared to happiness compared to productive, remainder systematic practice of the fitter gymnastics which is comfortable you do not drink.
What is love? Baby dont hurt me. Dont hurt me no more!
« Japanese »
愛は何であるか。 赤ん坊は私を傷つけない。 私をこれ以上傷つけてはいけない!
Is love what? The baby does not damage me. Me above this you do not have to damage!
So say we all.
« Japanese »
Therefore be us entirely.
The fire killed nearly 5000 people
« Hungarian »
A kilő megölt közel 5000 emberek
THE project killed anigh 5000 people
If you walk under the ladder, you won't have bad luck.
« Hungarian »
Ha ön séta alatt a létra , nem leszel volna pech.
If your are deambulation underneath the scale , you won't be have suck.
A wheel came in between one column and ow my eye!
« Icelandic »
A hjól úlfaldi í á milli einn súla og ow minn auga!
A wheel camel into in between single upright and ow my eye!
We can't live for killing. The Europe needs change! Hey, let's do it!
« Hungarian »
Mi nem tud él részére gyilkos. A Európa szükséges cserél! Hé , csináljuk!
Mi can't poignancy for murderer. THE Europe required trucks! Ahoy , let's do it!
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? We are missing exactly one sugary treat.
« Russian »
Кто украло печенье от опарника печенья? Мы пропавшее точно одно слащавое обслуживание.
Who did steal pastry from the jar of pastry? We the disappeared are accurate one sugary maintenance.
by hungry for a cookie
Bill Gates
« Welsh »
Big Byrth
Point Ferries
Nice shirts like you!