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no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano.
« Dutch »
langzaam en regelmatig wint de race.
la raza gana lentamente y regularmente.
más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
« Dutch »
een vogel in de hand is twee in de struik waard.
un pájaro en la mano es dos en el valor del arbusto.
i skipped the stew, like you.
« Japanese »
I flew the stew like you.
by StupiDanger
thats it, you're going down!
« Welsh »
thats 'i , 'ch re yn machlud!
hey were depressing ' I , ' dogs stud setting!
by StupiDanger
Are you going for the sweet spot down south?
« Icelandic »
Ert þú að fara fyrir the sætur blettur dúnn suður?
Art you snuggle up to go pay lip service to the lolly spot fuzz suður?
by StupiDanger
your mom is so fat, she's got her own zipcode!
« Welsh »
'ch mom ydy fel bloneg , hi s got 'i addef zipcode!
' dogs bomb he is being like lard , she sound coat ' I confess zipcode!
by StupiDanger
There is an old saying: Don't change anything, ever!
« Welsh »
Mae an 'n hen yn deud : Gwisga t chyfnewid ddim , bob amser!
He is being cowardly ' heartburn old saying : I dress tower change anything , always!
by StupiDanger
tell me what i said last night! Please!
« Dutch »
vertel me wat ik vorge nacht zei! Tevreden!
me tells what said I night to vorge! Satisfied!
by StupiDanger
i bet you have some great stories
« Korean »
나는 당신은 몇몇 훌륭한 이야기가 다는 것을 내기했다
Me you some bet the fact that the fine talk wears out
by StupiDanger
¿por qué no te vienes?
« Welsh »
paham gwnei mo d?
¿por qué usted no hace ardor de estómago?
Nice shirts like you!