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« Danish »
painful, awkward, tricky
painful awkward , tricks
by kDanthe
I want to have sex with hot naked guys.
« Japanese »
We would like to possess the characteristic where the person where I am hot and expose has been attached.
How would you like to have sex on an airplane?
« Japanese »
How is the fact that it has the characteristic of the airplane liked?
by toadpole
George Bush gives killer hand jobs.
« Korean »
George Bush는 살인자 손 일을 준다.
George Bush give a murderer hand work.
by toadpole
Do you like the way I rub my nipples?
« Chinese (simplified) »
You like me rubbing my nipple's way?
the amount of zombies in this room is unsettling
« Chinese (traditional) »
The considerable amount snake god in this room is unstable
enjoy hot original glazed doughnuts
« Japanese »
Enjoy the doughnut which could apply hot original gloss
i don't want to hurt you, i just want to kill you
« Greek »
ι don' το τ θέλει να σας βλάψει, θέλω ακριβώς να σας σκοτώσω
I don&? #039 the t wants it harms you, I want precisely to you to kill
the past is the history, the future is one mistery, but today is a gift
« English »
the past is the history, the future is one mistery, but today is gift
o passado é a história, o futuro é um mistério, mas é hoje presente
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, All my Base are Belong to You.
« Turkish »
gül are kırmızı , mor are mavi , tüm benim temel are mensup sen.
laugh are red , violet are blue , the whole my foundation are related to you.
by Maria
Nice shirts like you!