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Do not call me Nezzie!
« Japanese »
Me Nezzie you do not have to telephone!
by RCTMaster56
Live as if this is all there is
« Spanish »
Viva como si sea éste sea todo allí
It lives as if he is this one is everything there
I you respected the cup where the together love be youth is refreshing and to have me combine putting out this cold region tries to think i was.
« Dutch »
I u eerbiedigde de kop waar samen van is de jeugd zich verfrist is houd en om me te hebben uit het zetten van deze koude combineren het gebied probeert te denken ik was.
I you respected to the head where together of youth is refreshed himself keep and to have me from putting these cold combine the area tries think I was.
by Maria
which way to the waffle house?
« Chinese (simplified) »
Which path does the path milk egg bake a cake house?
« English »
Thank you for the pancakes, darling
« Icelandic »
Þakka þú fyrir the pönnukaka , elskan
Thank you pay lip service to the wheatcake , hon
by Alexnader
In the dark, everything is potentially a basketball.
« Chinese (simplified) »
In darkness, all are the latent basketballs.
I have seen things you people wouldn't believe, Attack ships off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost, like tears, in rain.
« Icelandic »
ÉG hafa seen hlutur þú fólk myndað af would not trúa , Árás allt klárt burt the öxl af Laufglói. Allur þessir augnablik vilja vera glataður , eins og tár , í rigning.
I á brjósti seen thing you gentlefolk alluvial with would avail believe , Attack everything workhorse drive away the öxl with Oriole. Total ;l) moment wish be no-win , as though tot , into rain.
Laughing my ass off
« Korean »
나의 당나귀를 일소에 붙이기
Attaching my donkey in smile,
by nyepie
¿donde leches esta la calle de la panaderia de la any?
« Chinese (simplified) »
¿En dónde está usted para ordeñar esta panadería la calle?
by adrian
Nice shirts like you!