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Eu tinha uma galinha que se chamava Marylou, Um dia fiquei com fome e papei a Marylou, Marylou, Marylou, Tinha cara de babaca, Marylou, Marylou, Botava ovo pela cloaca
« Japanese »
Marylouが呼ばれたこと私に雌鶏が、私によってが空腹とあったpapei Marylou、Marylou、Marylou、彼にbabacaの表面があった1日あり、 Marylou、Marylou、 排出腔のためのBotavaの卵
A galinha, o papei Marylou da fome, o Marylou e o Marylou que são, para ser dias 1 que têm a superfície do babaca nele na coisa mim onde Marylou foi chamado comigo, o ovo de Marylou, Marylou e Botava para a cavidade da descarga
by Davyd Nunes
holy crap!
« Japanese »
How densely the [tsu] it is!
Many clients are experiencing a downturn in business from their UK clients
« Czech »
Mnoho klient ar podstoupit jeden převrhnutí do obchod dle jejich UK klient
Much client are wage a downthrow up shop from their UK client
I think you should talk to me because I know for a fact you'd love me.
« Icelandic »
ÉG hugsa þú öxl tala til mig því ÉG vita fyrir a staðreynd you'd ást mig.
I think you öxl irrational number to myself accordingly I foreknow a matter of fact you'd love myself.
English to Danish and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Danish »
Engelsk hen til Dansk og igen igen. Se efter hvad er bortkommet ( eller skaffe ) i gengivelse.
British to Danish and again again. Look for what's lost ( or afford ) to representation.
Have you ever had sexual relations with a monkey-man?
« Hungarian »
Volna amid valaha is volt nemi kapcsolat -val egy majom - ember?
Have you ever had genital connection val one jocko man
Hi, would you like to go for a walk on the beach?
« Japanese »
Today, is the fact that it walks with the beach liked?
red bull gives you wings
« Serbian »
array bik davati te krilo
array bull give you lap
what the fuck is going on?
« Japanese »
Has sexual intercourse gone with something?
having a ball
« Croatian »
vlasništvo lopta
legal estate sphere
Nice shirts like you!