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agua mole pedra dura tanto bate até que fura
« Japanese »
Até que o furo estiver furado, o fechamento duro da água onde esse tipo do som metodológico é macio
by claudio
Tola? Chocante? Profundo? Clique no risonho para votar tudo!
« Japanese »
愚か者か。 くさびで止めることか。 深くか。 すべてを投票するrisonhoのかちりと言う音!
Idiota? Parada com a cunha? É profunda? Tudo o som, risonho ou a poeira que vota!
by claudio
Why am I typing crap into a translator at two in the morning? I should be asleep.
« Latin »
Quare sum EGO typing crap in a reddo procul duos in oriens? EGO should exsisto asleep.
Wherefore to be I symbolic wine upon a to repeat far two upon rising? I should to emerge asleep.
I love a guy with the name bob.
« Icelandic »
ÉG ást a strákur með the nafn hnykkur.
I love a lad with the name jerk.
I like to go shopping for shirts, but my favorite thing to buy are dresses.
« Turkish »
I beğenmek -e doğru gitmek alışveriş için gömlek , ama benim bkz. favour şey -e doğru satın almak are giydirmek.
I like had straight go to buying and selling in shirt , but my bkz. whiskers thing had straight purchase are clothe.
I want to go to the mall and go shopping, but I do not want to buy any pretzels, even though they do have amazing pretzels.
« Japanese »
Although the splendid pretzel is eaten, I go to the mall, that it shops we would like to do, but we would like to buy the pretzel.
Would you like to go sailing with me?
« Japanese »
Me navigating is the fact that it goes liked?
I have an enormous penis
« Japanese »
There is an enormous penis in me
gustavo e chato
« Japanese »
[gusutabo] e em nível
by Willian H.K.
Not all of Dallas!
« Japanese »
Dallas entirely!
Nice shirts like you!