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Ela morreu de vontade de soltar um pum, por isso deu uma risadinha sem graça.
« English »
It died of will to free one pum, therefore risadinha without favour gave one.
Morreu da vontade para livrar um pum, conseqüentemente o risadinha sem favor deu um.
by Luiz
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
« Portuguese »
Eu gosto de butts grandes e eu não posso encontrar-se.
I taste of butts great and I cannot meet.
by Meekish
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
« Dutch »
Ik houd van grote uiteinden en ik kan liggen niet.
I love large ends and I can lie not.
by Meekish
Theres a dinosuar in my pants and its calling for you.
« Italian »
Theres un dinosuar in miei pantaloni e relativo richiedere voi.
Theres a dinosuar in my pants and relative to demand you.
by Syreeta
Shit Cakes
« Welsh »
Cacha Cacennau
I shit Cakes
FaceBook sucks big shit cakes
« Welsh »
FaceBook sucks 'n fawr cacha cacennau
FaceBook sucks ' heartburn large I shit cakes
by Pudding4me
man who go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
« Chinese (simplified) »
Goes to bed with bum's person who itches awakes with has the stink finger
great gatsby! he has done it again
« Japanese »
大きいgatsby! 彼はそれをまたやったあることが
Large gatsby! As for him that and was done a certain thing which
El espiritu está listo, pero la carne es débil.
« French »
L'esprit est prêt, mais la viande est faible.
L' el alcohol está listo, pero la carne es débil.
El espiritu está listo, pero la carne es débil.
« Greek »
Το πνεύμα είναι έτοιμο, αλλά το κρέας είναι αδύνατο.
El alcohol está listo, pero la carne es imposible.
Nice shirts like you!