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« Italian »
Screw you idiot!
« Italian »
Avvitilo idiota!
It screws it idiot!
by Jamie
I went to the store for apple cupcakes but ended up getting deep fried shrimp and chocolate chip muffins.
« Korean »
나는 상점에 사과 컵케이크를 위한 그러나 끝난 튀겨진 새우 및 초콜릿 칩스 머핀을 얻기 높은 쪽으로 갔다.
I respecting the apple cup cake in the shop and the chocolate chip [su] muffin, the [thwi] chaff which ends but the new right which falls and getting was high and side with went.
hello, isnt it a nice day.
« Japanese »
Today, as for that there is no day when weather is good.
you've gotta ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
« Japanese »
you' veはあなた自身に1つの質問をすることを得た。 私は幸運に感じるか。 それで、ya、パンクはか。
you' ve obtained the fact that it asks 1 in you yourself. Am I moved by fortunately? With that, as for ya and flat tire?
First you must gather your Chi within yourself. Then you must expel your Chi forcefully in a directed blast. This is the Basic Furious Bomb of Distraction.
« Japanese »
最初にあなた自身の内のあなたのキーを集めなければならない。 それから指示された送風のあなたのキーを力強く排出しなければならない。 これは気晴らしの基本的な激烈な爆弾である。
First your key inside you yourself must be gathered. Then your key of the ventilation which is indicated is not discharged strongly. This is the basic violent bomb of recreation.
NOW how much do you think Microsoft Windows is worth? DON'T ANSWER! Wait until you see Windows Write, and Windows Paint, and listen to what else you get at no extra charge! The MS-DOS Executive, an important calender, a card file, a notepad, a clock, a control panel a TERMINAL WITH 4 RAM DRIVER AND!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! REVERSI!!!! That's right, all these features and Reversi all for just...
« Icelandic »
NÚ hvernig mikill gera þú hugsa Netbóla Gluggakista er virði? DON'T Svar! Bíða þangað til þú sjá Gluggakista Skrifa , og Gluggakista Mála , og hlusta á hvaða annars þú ná til neitun aukaþjónusta ákæra! The FRÖKEN DOS Framkvæmdastjóri , óákveðinn greinir í ensku mikilvægur valsapressa a nafnspjald skrá a minnispunktur a klukka a stjórna pallborð a UMFERÐAMIÐSTÖÐ MEÐ 4 HRÚTUR BÍLSTJÓRI Og!!! GETA ÞÚ TRÚA Það!!! uppbrot!!! Þessi réttur , allur þessir lögun og Uppbrot allur fyrir réttlátur.
TODAY how vast do you think Microsome Windowsill is worth? DON'T Reply! Wait till you see Windowsill Write , and Windowsill Paint , and hark at ;fn) otherwise you come over repulse extra accuse! The MS DOS CEO , indefinite article into English important calender a visiting card skrá a note a timer a rule panel a TERMINAL WITH 4 RAM DRIVER And!!! BE ABLE TO YOU BELIEVE There!!! revere!!;l) right , total ;l) shape and Revere total pay lip service to righteous.
I want to squirt you a picture of my kids. You want to squirt me back a video of your vacation. That's a software experience.
« Czech »
JÁ potřeba až k stříkat tebe jeden líčit of má kozinky. Tebe potřeba až k stříkat mne bek jeden obrázkový terminál of tvůj neobsazení. Aby jeden kultura počítače podstoupit.
SELF want to squirt you a narrate of has kids. You want to squirt me back a video display terminal of yours vacation. That a software wage.
I want to squirt you a picture of my kids. You want to squirt me back a video of your vacation. That's a software experience.
« Dutch »
Ik wil u spuiten een beeld van mijn jonge geitjes. U wilt me spuiten rug een video van uw vakantie. That' de ervaring van de
I want spout you a picture of my kids. YOU want me spout back a video of your holiday. That' the experience of the
To be or not to be, that is the question; whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outragious fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them;
« Icelandic »
Til vera eða ekki til vera , þessi er the spurning ; hvort myndað af it is aðalsmaður í the hugur til þjást the teygjubyssa og ör af outragious örlög , eða til taka vopn aftur a sjór af leysa og við andstæða , endir þá ;
To be or not to be , ;l) is the question ; sure alluvial with - sjá það is aristocrat into the mind to suffer the catapult and scar with outragious exhausted , or to take antitank back away hrökklast a sea with work and accustom contrast , then ;
Nice shirts like you!