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Darling, Stop confusing me, With your wishful thinking, Hopeful embraces... Don't you understand?
« Dutch »
De schat, houdt op verwarrend me, met uw wensgedachte, Hoopvolle grepen… Don' t u begrijpt?
The treasure, keeps on confusing me, with your wish idea, hopeful seizures… Don' t understands you?
You are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen in my entire life!
« Japanese »
It is the woman where a certain thing which I saw in my entire life is most beautiful!
violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
« Icelandic »
ofbeldi er the síðastur skýli af the óhæfur
hoodlum is the rearmost shelter with the unsuitable
It is like a finger pointing the way to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
« Latin »
Is est amo a finger cuspis via ut luna. Operor non incumbo in finger vel vos mos requiro quicumque uranicus palma.
This is to love a finxi spear road when moon. To work not to apply oneself upon finxi or you will to seek etc heavenly glory.
How doing, show remain you you made be convinced AM there which speaks the university there to that respectively and ors of the university ваштамбылоубеженотому of mantaray иповерхноститокотороеэтоговориттам of actual очтотоилиисегодня and the present mantaray surface
« Croatian »
Kako doga�aj , pokazivanje ostatak te te je napravio biti uvjeriti AM ima �to govoriti sveu�ili�ta ima to taj koji se odnosi na svakog pojedinog i ors dana sveu�ili�ta ваштамбылоубеженотому od mantaray иповерхноститокотороеэтоговориттам od stvarni очтотоилиисегодня i prisutan mantaray povr�ina
Of how happening , show remnant these these made to be convince AM has a which talk universities has a this this respective plus ors of the day universities ваштамбылоубеженотому with mantaray иповерхноститокотороеэтоговориттам with you really очтотоилиисегодня plus present mantaray top
i am a sexy beast, so all of you fuckers can suck my nuts. i'll dip them in marinara sauce for you.
« Japanese »
私はセクシーな獣である、従ってあなた方皆はfuckers私のナットを吸ってもいい。 i' llはあなたのためのmarinaraソースのそれらを浸す。
I am the sexy animal, therefore your everyone may inhale the fuckers my nut. i' ll dampens those of the marinara source because of you.
Fuck it, dude. Let's go bowling!
« Japanese »
それとの男性交しなさい。 Let' sはボーリングをすることを行く!
That man have sexual intercourse. Let' s goes doing the boring!
I would like to have sex with your anus
« Japanese »
I desire the fact that it possesses the characteristic where your anus has been attached
I would like to have sex with your anus
« Russian »
Я хотел был бы иметь секс с вашим anus
I wanted would be to have a sex with your of anus
My hovercraft is overflowing with eels!
« Korean »
나의 호버크라프트는 장어로 범람하고 있다!
My hovercraft is inundated with the eel! where
by Bryan
Nice shirts like you!