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Did the crap fall in the toilet?
« Latin »
Did crap cado in laboro?
Did wine perish upon to work?
Did the poop fall in the toilet?
« Welsh »
Did 'r poop adfeilia i mewn 'r doiled?
Bit ' group poop I fall in ' group toilet?
your rooster is friendly it gets along quite well with all the donkeys
« French »
votre coq est amical il subsiste tout à fait bien avec tous les ânes
your cock is friendly it remains completely well with all the asses
Never Gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you
« Czech »
Nikdy Gonna darovat tebe autobus , Nikdy gonna dovolit tebe dole , nikdy gonna zalomit štoček a neobydlený tebe
Never Gonna provide you bus , Never gonna allow you underneath , never gonna run around plus waste you
Viděli jsme zástupy nesčíslné. Ponurou majestátností věcí kráčeli smutni.
« French »
La vision sont infini de multitudes. Le věcí sinistre de majesté a marché des herbes.
Člen určitý blouznivec ar nekonečno spousty. Člen určitý levý věcí of velkolepost šel of drn.
by Awaris
I am a chunky monkey from funky town.
« Icelandic »
ÉG er a kubbslegur api frá angurvær bær.
I is a tubby monkey of melancholy farm.
The entire posting thing is getting out of hand. I see a majority of sexual messages.
« Croatian »
cio postavljanje predmet je uzimajući vanjska strana od kazaljka. JA vidjeti većina od seksualni poruke.
whole setting object had getting surface with hand. I to see bigger with sexual messages.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
« Korean »
저장된 페니는 벌린 페니이다.
The penny which is stored is the penny which opens.
I suck on your fathers cock every night
« Korean »
나는 당신의 아버지에 매일 밤마다 격발 준비 완료한다 빤다
I outburst preparation complete suck everyday every night in your father
i fuck like a rabid beast
« Japanese »
I have sexual intercourse like the cruel animal
Nice shirts like you!