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when in doubt, punt
« Japanese »
When being certain, punting
why does fox mean orphan
« Japanese »
Why it changes color the orphan of center to orphan color?
I put a tree in your backyard.
« Russian »
Я положил вал в ваш задний двор.
I placed shaft into your rear court.
Carol never wore her safety goggles. Now she doesn't need them.
« Japanese »
キャロルは決して彼女の安全メガネを身に着けていなかった。 今度は彼女doesn' tはそれらを必要とする。
The carol had not attached her safe glasses to the body under any condition. This time her doesn' t needs those.
The definition of the absolute value is the absolute value of x equals x if x is greater than or equal to zero or negative one times x if x is less than zero.
« Japanese »
If definition of absolute value from x if zero it is with a little rather than or the same 輩 to of zero negativity 1 x measuring time, is large, x is absolute value X of x same 輩.
Yo dawg, I heard you like to yo yo, so I put yo dawg in yo yo yo so you can yo yo yo dawg while you and yo dawg yo yo, dawg.
« Japanese »
Dawg of Yo, as for me therefore I like dawg of yo in yo of the yo-yo, therefore between dawg of yo of the yo-yo, you and the yo-yo of dawg of yo, dawg putting you inquired about that it can make the yo-yo.
midgets prefear to be called little people. they are no to be laughed at. thy can, and wil punch you in the nuts.
« Japanese »
prefear小人呼ばれるため小人たちと。 彼らは嘲笑されるべきNOではない。 thy缶およびwilの穿孔器ナットの。
Because the prefear dwarf it is called, the small people. They are not NO which it should ridicule. thy can and the punch nut of wil.
The Girl At The Video Game Store
« Japanese »
Girl of store of video game
You know Mudguard plus Skipper plus Spring plus Vixen , Comet plus Cupidity plus Donder plus Thunderbolt war , Lest amount you withdrawals The most notorious reindeer of a total of? Redskin the Scarlet Nosedive Reindeer Had a sublime tawdry nose , PLUS li you somehow saw yon , You inch even say yon glow. A total of of newly reindeer Used to laugh plus tank him names ; She never allow unsubstantial Redskin Skirmish whatsoever reindeer sportsman. Sometimes a nebulous Nativity Santa came to say : Redskin with yours nose thereabouts tawdry , Won't you guide has slider tonight? " Sometimes as forth as? the reindeer Love him Not but that she whoop without with joy , Redskin the Scarlet Nosedive Reindeer You'll go down up history "
« Korean »
당신은 Vixen, 벼락 전쟁 플러스 Donder 플러스 탐욕 플러스 혜성 플러스 봄 플러스 선장 플러스 흙받기를, 하지 않도록 총계 당신 철수 합계의 가장 악명 높은 순록의 알고 있는가? 주홍이 순록을 급강하하는 북아메리카 인디언은 고상하게 한 몹시 야한 코가 있었다 리튬 플러스 당신은 여하튼 저쪽을 보았다, 당신은 말한다 조차 저쪽 놀을 조금씩 움직인다. 새로 탱크 플러스 그를 실소하기 위하여 이용되는 순록의의 합계 이름; 그녀는 어떻든지 순록 sportsman 비현실적인 북아메리카 인디언 전초전을 결코 허용하지 않는다. 때때로 애매한 출생 산타클로스는 밝히기 위하여 왔다: 너의 것과 가진 북아메리카 인디언은 thereabouts 몹시 야한, Won' 냄새맡는다; 당신이 인도하는 t에는 슬라이더가 오늘 밤 있는가? " 때때로 앞으로? 순록은 그를 아닙니다 사랑한다 그러나 그녀에 의하여 기쁨에 바깥쪽으로 소리지르며 말하는 그것, 주홍이 순록 You'를 급강하하는 북아메리카 인디언; ll는 위 역사 " 내려간다;
Are you knowing Vixen, the thunderbolt warfare positive Donder positive greedy positive comet positive spring positive captain positive soil receiving, in order not to do, the total your evacuation total the bad name highest reindeer? The north native American where the scarlet dives the reindeer makes do solidus surface and grudge very lithium positive you who have the cold night nose see over there anyway, you say even move over there glow little by little. Newly the reindeer questionable matter total name which in order to laugh is used tank positive him; She is how reindeer sportsman does not permit the north native American skirmish which is unreal assuredly. From time to time innocent birth Santa Claus came, in order to reveal: With your thing the north native American whom has thereabouts very cold night, Won& #039 sniff; Your this to t where leads tonight there is a slider? " From time to time in future? The reindeer is not he and in compliance with her but loves in joy shouts with outer side and it which says, scarlet reindeer You& The north native American who dives #039; ll up history & quot descends;
i am going to rape you up the fuck hole
« Icelandic »
ég er að fara til nauðga þú upp the ríða gat
I is snuggle up to go to rape you devise the screw opening
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