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Moj drug i ja smo otisli na karaoke zurku i otpevali smo pesmu od miroslava ilica pod nazivom goran bregovic
« Serbian »
Moj comrade ja ja smo otisli Na Karači zurku ja otpevali smo pesmu forth Miroslav ilica glava na kojoj se učvrščuje svrdlo na ručnoj bušilici nacist Goran bregovic
My comrade I I smo cliche Over Karachi zurku I otpevali smo poem forte Miroslav ilica pod Nazi Goran rugged
When I was walking down the street i found a dog who bite me
« Russian »
Когда я гулял вниз с улицы я нашел собака которое сдерживает меня
When I went for a walk downward from the street I it found dog which it holds in control me
by Mirtchan
take it or leave it.
« Japanese »
Whether or not it receives, decide.
pijem i pušim i drek na balkonu sušim
« Slovenian »
pijem jaz pušim jaz drek na balkonu sušim
I am drinking yours truly pen-case yours truly shit upon overhang tuberculosis
by Mirtchan
ljubav nema granica
« Croatian »
ljubav nema granit
love affair does not have granite
make me wet
« Croatian »
izraditi mene lapav
fabricate myself wet
holy shit! this is wicked
« Chinese (simplified) »
哎呀! 这是邪恶的
Oh! This is evil
by edd
I saw a car. I stole that car. Now police is searching for my brother.
« Latin »
EGO saw a car. EGO pallium ut car. Iam excolo est questio pro meus frater.
I saw a car. I stole when car. Now to honor is seeking for my brother.
arbeit macht frei
« Croatian »
funkcionirati lak kamen za obradu
lassen Sie Mauerstein laufen
by VranZ
nasao sam sliku staru u prasini na ormaru
« Croatian »
nosni ime skraćeno od Samuel sliku zvijezda u prasini na ormaru
nasal Sam cartoon star into a sow at an closet
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