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este traductor es una basura
« English »
this translator is a sweepings
este traductor es los sweepings
Bienvenidos a Wikipedia, la enciclopedia de contenido libre que todos pueden editar.
« English »
Welcomes to Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of free content that all can publish.
Recepciones a Wikipedia, la enciclopedia del contenido libre que toda puede publicar.
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO)
« English »
Obligatory Secondary education (THAT)
Enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (DE QUE)
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 ya disponible para descarga Visual Studio 2010 y .NET Framework 4 se centran en los pilares fundamentales de la experiencia del desarrollador, soporte de las últimas plataformas y mejoras de arquitectura.
« English »
Studio line of vision 2010 Beta 2 already available for unloading Studio line of vision 2010 and .NET Framework 4 concentrate in the fundamental pillars of the experience of the developer, has supported of the last platforms and improvements of architecture.
Línea del estudio de visión 2010 2 beta ya disponibles para descargar La línea del estudio de la visión 2010 y de concentrado del marco 4 de .NET en los pilares fundamentales de la experiencia del revelador, ha apoyado de las plataformas y de las mejoras pasadas de la arquitectura.
Fuck bitches, get money.
« Danish »
Fuck beklagelse , blive penge.
Fuck regret , become bread.
Punch the keys, for god's sake!
« Dutch »
Sla de sleutels, voor god' s belang!
Lettuce the keys, for god' s importance!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
« Japanese »
That because the snow which is allotted falls, that in order for the snow to fall, do to do that the snow that tries falls
damn i need to go there
« Chinese (simplified) »
I need to go there to die
The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but Can they suffer?
« Hungarian »
A kérdés van nem , Tud ők ok? sem Tud ők beszélgetés? de Tud megszenvedik?
THE question there is not , Can they are wherefore? nor Can they are confabulation? but Can they suffer it?
by Nonnie
trains run near my house, and everyday i can hear them whistle
« Korean »
기차는 나의 집의 가까이에 달리고, 매일 나는 그(것)들이 취명하는 들릴 수 있다
My house which is dumbfounded runs nearly, everyday I the (thing) capacity whistle is a possibility of being audible
Nice shirts like you!