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These cramps are making me want to rip out my uterus and set it on fire.
« Icelandic »
Þessir magaverkir ert gerð mig vilja til rífa út minn leg og setja það á eldur.
;l) cramps art version myself chance pull out my uterus and put there river hellfire.
o que eu queria mesmo era um lindo amor
« Japanese »
Quanto para a mim algo que você pensa que nós queremos exatamente, era amor limpo
by Hanna
Ground control to Major Tom
« Slovenian »
zemlja pregled imeti za glavni predmet Tomaž
world X ray examination to major in Tom
grooming kittens with milk and tracers of lost ghouls for the living land locked while of course curving your long pierced sword is always painful with bleak outlooks
« Dutch »
verzorgen van katjes met melk en traceurs van verloren lijkenetende geesten voor het het leven gesloten land terwijl natuurlijk het buigen van uw lang doordrongen zwaard is altijd pijnlijk met sombere vooruitzichten
look after of kittens with milk and tracers of lost ghouls for living country closed whereas of course bending your long penetrated sword is always painful with dark expectancies
by nelserinarl
Shit happens
« Welsh »
Cacha happens
I shit happens
by sonja
hey, want to fuck?
« Czech »
hej! , potřeba až k do prdele?
ho, want to fuck it?
A rooster between a donkey and a pussycat!
« Norwegian »
EN hane imellom en esel og en katt!
A cock among a ass and a cat!
My eyes hurt. Maybe I should stop wearing them so much overnight.
« Italian »
La mia ferita degli occhi. Forse dovrei smettere di portarli così tanto durante la notte.
My wound of the eyes. Perhaps I would have to stop to carry them thus a lot during the night.
I want to go to the mall today with my friend, but she will not answer her cell phone.
« Italian »
Voglio andare oggi al centro commerciale con il mio amico, ma non risponderà al suo telefono delle cellule.
I want to go today to the center trades them with my friend, but it will not answer to its I telephone of the cells.
What would Jesus do for a Klondike bar?
« Japanese »
Does yes Christ make in order to prohibit what Dyck's because of the clone?
Nice shirts like you!