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You are an incredibly beautiful woman. he would matter to him to accompany to me to take something?
Usted es una mujer increíblemente hermosa. ¿él importaría a él para acompañar a mí para tomar algo?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I can't wait to be alone with you
« Danish »
JEG kan ikke vent at blive på egen hånd hos jer
I cant await to be single-handed by you
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
« Latin »
Diu in a galaxy recedentia , recedentia absentis.
By day upon a galaxy retreat , retreat absent.
by The Rebel
Let's play some video games.
« Latin »
Let's lascivio nonnullus video venatus.
Let's to run riot some to see game.
by The Rebel
And his name is John Cena!
« Czech »
A jeho jméno is Jan Cena!
PLUS his title is Lavatory Worth!
pubic hair
« Korean »
Dear Lord! That's the loudest profanity I've ever heard!
« Croatian »
Mio Gospodar! Taj bučan ono što je profano I've ikada čuti!
Winsome Master! This bučan profanity I've once listen with both ears!
These boots are made for walking
« Welsh »
Hyn botasau gwneir achos yn cerdded
This boots one does because walking
suck my cock
« Japanese »
My male it is inhale the chicken
would you like to join me for a drink
« Korean »
너는 음료를 위해 나를 결합하고 싶는다 하고자 했다
Hazard it will carry the beverage which it spreads out and it combined and Sip it increased and and to sleep to do it did
You're a fucking idiot.
« German »
You' bezüglich eines verdammt Idioten.
They are fucking an idiot.
Nice shirts like you!