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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You filthy mud-blood
« Chinese (traditional) »
Your filthy putty blood
All that we see or do is but a dream within a dream. -Edgar Allen Poe.
« Japanese »
私達があるしかし夢内の夢見るか、またはすべて。 -エドガーアレンPoe。
But there are we, inside dream you dream or, or everything. - [edogaaren] Poe.
indubitably, my dear, indubitably. would you care to be my pirate?
« Korean »
의심의 여지가 없, 나의 귀중한, 의심의 여지가 없. 당신은 나의 해적이기 위하여 걱정할는가 것입니다?
The margin of suspicion [eps], was valuable, margin of suspicion [eps]. You in order to be my pirate will worry is a thing?
About Contact Now Want more details about the products/services you see on Send a message to the supplier(s) direct. Please include details such as specifications, production capacity, delivery time, payment terms and more.
« English »
About Contact Now Want lives details about the products/services you see on Send message you to supplier (s) direct. Please include details such specifications, production capacity, delivery teams, payment terms and lives.
Sobre o contato agora Queira detalhes das vidas sobre os produtos/serviços que você vê em Emita-o a mensagem ao fornecedor (s) direto. Inclua por favor detalhes tais especificações, capacidade de produção, equipes da entrega, termos do pagamento e vidas.
by sergio sousa
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
« Hungarian »
Birtokol akárki igazán távoli mint eldöntött -hoz használ egyenletes megy akar -hoz csinál megjelenés több szeret?
Possesses everyman really distant than decided yield uses uniform he is going to will yield make appearance more loves?
Suck my dick.
« Japanese »
Inhale my ディック.
Yes! It is truth! Today I am feeling myself so much enjoy and proudness! My huge and unfriendly bodyguard Sergei is being victorious in All Provinces Yoga Tournament! See here photograph of winning yoga position, as featured in local gazette, “Revolting Peasant Today.” People sometimes under mistaken apprehension that my faithful (yet huge and unfriendly) bodyguard is simply common thug!
« Russian »
Да! Правда! Сегодня я себя ощупывание так много наслаждаюсь и proudness! Мой огромный и нетоварищеский телохранитель Sergei победоносен в всем турнире йоги провинций! См. здесь фотоснимок выигрывая положения йоги, как отличено в местной газетте, «мятежный селянин сегодня.» Люди иногда под ошибочным дурным предчувствием которого мой верный (но огромный и нетоварищеский) телохранитель просто общий бандит!
Yes! Pravda! Today I itself feeling so much delight in and proudness! My enormous and unfriendly bodyguard Sergei is victorious in entire tournament the yogi of provinces! See here photograph winning positions yogi, as it is distinguished in the local gazette, “rebellious peasant today.” People sometimes under erroneous bad presentiment of which my loyal (but enormous and unfriendly) bodyguard is simply general bandit!
by Wendy Muzlanova
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Sir Winston Churchill
« Russian »
Я люблю свиньи. Собаки смотрят до мы. Коты смотрят вниз на нас. Свиньи обрабатывают нас как равные. Господин Винстон Черчилль
I love pig. Dogs look to we. Tomcats look downward on us. Pigs process us as equal. Mr. Winston Churchill
by Wendy Muzlanova
Usher DJ Got Us Falling In Love (feat. Pitbull)
« Russian »
Введите DJ получил нас падая в влюбленность (подвиг. Pitbull)
Introduce DJ were obtained us falling into the love (exploit. Pitbull)
by Wendy Muzlanova
Baby love! My baby love! I need you, oh how I need you! (Diana Ross and The Supremes)
« Russian »
Влюбленность младенца! Моя влюбленность младенца! Мне нужно вы, oh как мне нужно вы! (Диана Ross и Supremes)
Love of baby! My love of baby! To me you are necessary, oh as to me necessarily you! (Diana Ross Supremes)
by Wendy Muzlanova
Nice shirts like you!