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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
school is lame
« Norwegian »
skolen er klagesang
school am lament
please burst the scall
« Norwegian »
behage briste det skalaen
please burst facts gamut
use that crap, be lucky
« Norwegian »
bruk det crap , være lykkelig
use facts crap , be feel felicitous
the moon is a yellow cheeze
« Norwegian »
månen er en gul kinnet
moon am a yellow cheek
I want you to be my shit
« Chinese (simplified) »
I want you am my shit
wow baby, nice knockers!
« Filipino »
wow baby , magiliw suntukin!
wow baby , affectionately sock!
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
« Icelandic »
Hvar í the veröld er Sporvagnsstjóri Sandiego?
Whereinto the world is Motorman Sandwort?
Who loves short shorts?
« Czech »
Kdo láskou roztoužený krátký krátké kalhoty?
Whoa lovesick succinct trunk-hose?
All the news that is fit to print
« Finnish »
Aivan kuulumiset että on hyvässä kunnossa jotta kirjoittaa
Clean news that is fit to print
That's the news from Lake Wobegon
« Russian »
То будет весточка от озера Wobegon
That there will be news from lake Wobegon
Nice shirts like you!