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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Thank you for not smoking.
« Portuguese »
Obrigado não fumando.
Debtor not smoking.
Superman = Supermarket?
« Swedish »
Supermarket = Supermarket?
Supermarket = Supermarket?
by Bogdan
I cast Gypsy Magic on you
« Dutch »
Ik goot Zigeuner Magisch op u
I goot gypsy magically on you
by Bogdan
I used to play Halo But, Then, like how i slide my fingers down a guitar's Fretboard i switched to call of duty 4
« Korean »
놀았었다 나가 의무 4의 외침에 전환한 기타Fretboard의 아래 나의 손가락이 나에 의하여 미끄러지는 까 라고같이 나는 달무리를 그러나, 그때,
It plays and to go out duty 4 shouts and the lower part my finger of the other Fretboard which it converts in me, by it slides to peel, as together me, the halo but, that time,
by Bogdan
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
« Chinese (simplified) »
地狱hath 没有愤怒象妇女蔑视。
The hell hath not angry elephant woman despises.
Holy Crap
« Hungarian »
Szent Szar
Santa Turd
comical but cynical view
« Korean »
익살맞은 그러나 견유학파 전망
Ig flesh it hits Cynics view
Sometimes I think that you were made for me. Then I remember, you are just a dirty whore.
« Japanese »
Occasionally I think that it was made because of me. Then I am, the prostitute who becomes dirty exactly you have remembered.
« Welsh »
a werewolf
I go werewolf
She has a terminal disease.
« Japanese »
She possesses the sickness of final period.
Nice shirts like you!