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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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This vessel carries my daughter Kara Zor-El from the now dead planet Krypton. Treat her as you would your own child for you will see the treasure she will be for your world
« Italian »
Questo vaso trasporta il mio Zor-EL di Kara della figlia dal cripto guasto del pianeta di now. Curila come il vostro proprio bambino per voi vederete il tesoro che sarà per il vostro mondo
This vase transports my Zor-EL di Kara of the daughter from the out of order krypton of the planet of now. Curila as yours own child for you you will see the treasure that he will be for your world
get off my back you scum sucker!
« Japanese »
Separated suction cup profit of the scum do from my back section!
The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things; of shoes, of ships, of ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings. Of why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings.
« Serbian »
Vremena je dogoditi se , odreðeni èlan Morž reèenoj , za razgovarati o mnogobrojan stvar ; nad cipele , nad u najboljem redu , nad strop vosak , nad kupus pa kraljevanje. Nad zašto? odreðeni èlan more 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu kipuæi vruæ , pa koji od dvojice nogometni lopta imati krilo.
The time had befall , the Walrus said , after converse on numerous thing ; on shoes , on shipshape , on ceiling wax , on cabbage and kingship. On why? the water 3. wis with IT BE from present ebullient fervent , and whether football have lap.
This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. Bereft of life, it rests in peace.
« Croatian »
Ovaj papiga je nema više. Internet je prestati biti. Oteti od život , Internet odmor in mir.
This pollparrot had no more. IT had leave off to be. Wrest with curriculum vitae , IT lie fallow in tranquillity.
Hi! I'd like four crunchy tacos, one bean burrito and a large orange soda to go, please.
« Chinese (traditional) »
餵! I' d喜歡四塊嘎吱咬嚼的炸玉米餅、一個豆面捲餅和一杯大桔子汽水是,喜歡。
Feed! I' d likes four creaking chews explodes the tortilla, a beanflour volume cake and a cup of big orange soda is, likes.
by KDBryan
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times.
« Japanese »
可哀想に、悪いYorick! 私は彼を、Horatio知っていた: ほとんどの優秀な空想の無限冗談の仲間。 彼彼のの私に耐えられるhath背部千回。
Yorick which is bad to yes 哀 thought! I Horatio had known him: Companion of unlimited joke of most excellent fantasies. Thousand hath back sections which withstand that me of him.
Give me a break!
« Chinese (traditional) »
Has forgiven me!
situation normal all fucked up
« Chinese (simplified) »
All sexual intercourse's situation normal
Now that is what I am talking about
« Filipino »
ngayon atipan ng pawid ay ano ako ay magsalita buongpaligid
now thatch are what me are address about
I like pie. There is a lot of pie in here. I could not possibly eat all this pie. Would you like to help me eat the pie?
« Japanese »
私はパイを好む。 ここに多くのパイがある。 私は多分このパイをすべて食べることができなかった。 私がパイを食べるのを助けるのを好むか。
I like the pie. There are many pies here. As for me perhaps it could not eat this pie entirely. Is the fact that the fact that I eat the pie is helped liked?
by Thomas Burt
Nice shirts like you!