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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is a wholly remarkable book
« Japanese »
The hitchhiker guide to the galaxy is the book which should be surprised completely
I have a dirty anus.
« Czech »
JÁ mít jeden neèistý anus.
SELF hold a vicious anus.
« Japanese »
Inferior it seems the woman who is not
by Jesse
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
« Italian »
quanto legno un mandrino della marmotta nordamericana se una marmotta nordamericana potesse bloccare il legno nel mandrino
how much wood a mandrel of the North American beaver if a North American beaver could block the wood in the mandrel
I believe in English. It's so difficult.
« Danish »
JEG tro på Engelsk. Det er altså besværlig.
I bought British. It is consequently arduous.
I feel like my feet are about to burst into little shingles and roof a house with their pain.
« Japanese »
I like my feet destruction intensity do approximately it is, in the small iron piece, attaching the roof to pain and the house feel.
The sum of the square of the two sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse
« Croatian »
Svota dana èetverokut dana dva strana od pravo trokut je snažan èetverokut dana hipotenuza
The sum of the day limited space of the day two wing with Pravda triangle had virile limited space of the day hypotenuse
There is no I in team.
« Spanish »
No hay I en equipo.
There is I in no equipment.
flow sciences provides powder containment for your active pharmaceutical ingredients
« Icelandic »
rennsli vísindi afla púður innilokunarstefna fyrir þinn virkur lyfjafræðilegur efni
flow science requisition powder containment pay lip service to thy operative pharmacological matter
by hunter
No means no!
« Welsh »
Na moddion na!
I do means I do!
by Mike
Nice shirts like you!