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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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due anni fa si contarono quasi 200 morti
« Greek »
δύο έτη πριν σχεδόν 200 ήταν διαθέσιμος πέθανε
due anni prima che quasi 200 lui siano disponibili è morto
Change is what it is all about
« Japanese »
Modification is concerning those which are completely
Don't fuck with buck because buck will fuck you up.
« Czech »
Don't do prdele s danìk ponìvadž danìk vùle do prdele tebe autobus.
Don't fuck it with fallow-deer whereas fallow-deer wills fuck it you bus.
by King
When I was a boy there was no such word as fail but now I am a man
« Korean »
나가 실패와 같은 거기 소년 없을 낱말이 그러나일 때 지금 나는 남자이다
Goes out and when with the failure the word which will not be that place boy who is same rises but, now I am the man
by kevin mummery
I do not know where I am going , but its the journey I want to live.
« Chinese (simplified) »
I do not know my where, but its I want the journey which lives.
pride is a poor substitute for intelligence
« Japanese »
Pride is the representation whose intelligence is bad
Watching television makes your brain cells rot.
« Serbian »
Promatranje televizija pomoæ za nuždu tvoj mozak æelija truljenje.
Surveillance television makeshift your brain box corruption.
is it as hot in the summer as it is in the country?
« Icelandic »
er það eins og heitur í the sumar eins og það er í the land?
is there as though hot into the summer as though whenas into the land?
I'm a rocket man.
« Latin »
I'm a silicis vir.
I'm a hard stone man.
My boyfriend is a man of sound mind, body and soul.
« Turkish »
benim erkek arkadaþ bkz. be a adam -in saðlam us , beden ve ruh.
my boyfriend bkz. hi a man den sound state of mind , trunk and soul.
Nice shirts like you!