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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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This is amazing.
« Swedish »
Den här er häpnadsväckande.
This yourself startling.
Happy Thanksgiving. Let us eat the turkey.
« Slovenian »
vesel zahvaljevanje. pustiti nas trošiti Turèija.
winsomly thanksgiving. waste we waste Turkey.
Lick me like a lollipop
« Latin »
Lick mihi amo a lollipop
Lick me to love a lollipop
I don't feel well. I guess I have a cold.
« German »
I don' t-Gefühlbrunnen. Ich schätze, dass ich eine Kälte habe.
I don' T-Gefühlbrunnen. I estimate that I have a cold weather.
My ass is exit only
« Chinese (traditional) »
My donkey is only exports
A stitch in time saves nine
« Welsh »
Bigyn mewn pryd saves 'n naw
Thorn in time saves ' heartburn son-in-law
Howdy, partner!
« Icelandic »
Hæ , félagi!
Hi , organisation!
by Bassastingur
rowan takes it up the bum with a big stick
« Japanese »
The mountain ash is large, densely it is you take that on the loafing person who has the stick
Heroine shoots heroin
« Latin »
Vir surculus vir
Man shoot man
take me now you gorgeous beast
« Icelandic »
taka mig nú þú yndisfagur skepna
take myself today you gorgeous pig
Nice shirts like you!