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« Japanese »
オンラインチャットルームを解放しなさい! かちりと鳴らし、登録し、そして雑談しなさい! ここにかちりと鳴らしなさい!
Release the online kyat room! The dust sound, register, and chat! The dust sound here!
Free Online Chat Rooms! Click, Register and Chat! Click Here!
« Korean »
온라인 대화방을 해방하십시오! 누르고, 등록하고 간담하십시오! 여기에서 누르십시오!
Liberate on-line dialogue room! Press, register and discuss! Press from here!
I am a Berliner
« German »
Ich bin ein Bewohner von Berlin
I am an inhabitant of Berlin
If at first you do not succeed, try, try again.
« Chinese (traditional) »
If at first do not succeed, the attempt, tries one time again.
If at first you do not succeed, try, try again.
« Korean »
당신 처음에는 성공하지 않는 경우에, 재시도하기 위하여 시도하기 위하여.
You does not succeed to initially, in case, in order re-to attempt in order to attempt.
Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries
« Icelandic »
Þinn móðir er a hamstur og þinn faðir lykta af ylliber
Thy mother is a hamster and thy sire whiff with elderberry
Mountain climbing is not nearly as much fun as juggling bananas.
« Swedish »
Berg klättrande är inte nästan så mycket som nöje så jonglera bananerna.
Mountain climbing is not nearly as much as fun so juggle bananas.
Mountain climbing is not nearly as much fun as juggling bananas.
« Japanese »
Mountain-climbing the banana which is cheated almost is not many pleasures in the same way.
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine
« Korean »
모든 진의, 모든 도시에서, 모든 세계에서, 그녀 걷는다 나의 것으로 합동한다
All true meanings, from all cities, from all worlds, her walks combines with the thing
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine
« Croatian »
Od svi džin pregib , u svim gradsko stanovništvo , u svim svjetski dan , ona prohodati u minirati
With all gin knee , in all township , in all World Day , she walk into a mine
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