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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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There is no point in being a grown up if you cannot be childish
« Japanese »
When it is immature, if it is not, there is no point in a certain thing which is brought up
Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
« Turkish »
o kim fýrlatmak belgili tanýmlýk oy karar vermek hiçbir þey. o kim saymak belgili tanýmlýk oy karar vermek her þey.
he who hurl the opinion resolve nothing at all. he who count the opinion resolve everything.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. - G.W. Bush
« Turkish »
bizim düþman are yenilik ve kaynak , ve öylesine are biz. onlar asla durmak düþünmek hakkýnda yeni alýþkanlýklar -e doðru zarar bizim ülke ve bizim insanlar , ve hiçbiri yapmak biz. G.W. Bush
our enemy are newness and spring , and so are we. they never stop think of concerning new ways had straight need our country and our people , and nobody do we. G.W. Bush
Don’t be humble. You’re not that great.
« German »
Seien Sie nicht bescheiden. Sie sind nicht großes das.
You are not modest. They are not large that.
Be careful that victories do not carry the seed of future defeats.
« Latin »
Exsisto curiosus ut laurifer operor non veho sperma of posterus evinco.
To emerge careful when carrying laurel to work not to sail seed of postremo to conquer.
Victory is sweetest when you have known defeat.
« Korean »
승리는 당신이 패배를 알고 있을 가장 감미롭다.
The victory will be knowing this defeat of you and is sweetest.
The greatest conquerer is he who overcomes the enemy without a blow.
« Greek »
Ο μέγιστος κατακτητής είναι αυτός που υπερνικά τον εχθρό χωρίς ένα χτύπημα.
The biggest conqueror is the one that overcomes the enemy without a blow.
October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter.
« Czech »
Øíjen topol ar horoucí baterka osvìtlení èlen urèitý cesta až k zima.
October poplar are unctuous torch lighting by the way to wintertime.
October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter.
« Japanese »
It is the kind of torch where the October poplar acquires method to the winter and burns.
October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter.
« Spanish »
Los álamos de octubre son antorchas llameantes que encienden la manera al invierno.
Los Alamos of October is flaming torches that ignite the way to the winter.
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