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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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what noise annoys an oyster?
« Icelandic »
hvaða hávaði ónáða óákveðinn greinir í ensku ostra?
;fn) row disturb indefinite article into English oyster?
by neil
Feel the power of the dark side.
« Danish »
Beføle den kraft i den mørk side.
Paw the agency to the dark paper.
by theacos
Feel the power of the dark side.
« Croatian »
Osjet Power PC dana crn strana.
Sentience Power PC of the day umbrageous wing.
by theacos
Its better to burn out, than fade away.
« French »
Ses meilleurs de griller, que se fanent loin.
Its best to roast, than fades far.
It's better to burn out, than fade away.
« Japanese »
It' 燃え尽きるよのsはより衰退する。
It' It blazes, from s atrophies.
So have you ever have sex with a midget?
« Japanese »
Therefore have the fact that it has the characteristic where the dwarf has been attached?
I shall own your soul.
« Greek »
Θα είμαι κύριος της ψυχής σας.
I will be gentleman of your soul.
That was then, this is now
« Japanese »
This now it is that, then it was
You say you have been thinking, that you and I should go out drinking, but I think I have learned my lesson once before.
« Russian »
Вы говорите что вы думало, то вы и я должно пойти вне выпить, но я думаю что я учило мой урок раз раньше.
You speak that you she thought, then you and I must go outside to drink, but I think that I it taught my lesson of times earlier.
Nothing gold can stay
« Dutch »
Gouden niets kan blijven
Golden nothing can remain
Nice shirts like you!