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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I’m going to court for stalking pretty girls like you
« Welsh »
Fi m yn cerdded at cara achos stalking 'n bert bachgennesau cara 'ch
I ores walking to I love because stalking ' heartburn quaint girls I love ' dogs
by Sarah Connolly
I fell over backwards and dumped dirt into my mouth
« Korean »
나는 뒤에 넘어서 넘어지고 나의 입으로 먼지를 내버렸다
I passed over after and i fell and the dust with the mouth i threw away
by Sarah Connolly
Bond, James Bond
« Hungarian »
Kötés , Jakab Kötés
Knitwork , James Knitwork
wanna fuck?
« Italian »
Voglia scopare?
desires to sweep?
i pulled up to a house about seven or eight i yelled to the cabbie yo home, smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air
« Croatian »
ja vučenje spreman kuća o sedam ili osam ja vikati to kupus yo home , miris te kasniji onaj koji ima privlačnu pojavu at moj kraljevina sam bio napokon ima to sjediti na moj prijestolje kao i telefaks vladar od bel - zrak
I twitch up to house about seven or eight I yell this cabbage yo home , wind these at a later time looker at my kingdom I was ultimately has a this sit at an my throne as the fax Government with bel exposure to the weather
by Nick
I like to choke the chicken and slap the monkey
« German »
Ich mag das Huhn erdrosseln und den Affen schlagen
I may strangle the chicken and strike the ape
Shit and fall back in it.
« Danish »
Lort og rykke tilbage igen.
Shit and backspace again.
I awoke to a big loud rooster.
« French »
Je me suis réveillé à un grand coq fort.
I awoke with a large strong cock.
It is your turn to take a hit out of the bowl.
« Korean »
사발에서 성공을 거둘 것이다 당신의 회전 이다.
Is your rotation will gain a success from the bowl.
Bitch, shut the fuck up and drive.
« Japanese »
The female dog tightens sexual intercourse, drives.
by Phraede
Nice shirts like you!