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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Excuse me sir, have you seen my pants?
« Japanese »
Are my pants which looked at me, permitted?
by digitalprophet
I met someone at the dog show. She was holding my left arm. but everyone was acting normal so I tried to look nonchalant.
« Greek »
Συνάντησα κάποιο στο σκυλί παρουσιάζω. Κρατούσε τον αριστερό βραχίονά μου. αλλά ο καθένας ενεργούσε κανονικός έτσι εγώ προσπάθησε να φανεί αδιάφορος.
I met somebody in the dog I present. Kept my left winger of arm. but each one acted regular thus i tried he appears incurious.
Fuck me silly.
« Japanese »
Foolish me have sexual intercourse.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.
« Dutch »
Vraag niet voor wie de kloktol, het tol voor thee.
Question not for which the bell toll, it toll for tea.
I am the cream of the crop. I rise to the top. I never eat a pig because a pig is a cop. Better yet a terminator, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, trying to play me out as if my name was Sega.
« Chinese (traditional) »
我是精英。 我在上面起来。 因為豬是警察,我從未吃一頭豬。 改善,一個終止者,像Arnold Schwarzenegger,设法显示我,好像我的名字Sega。
I am an outstanding person. I get up in above. Because the pig is police, I never eat a pig. The improvement, a terminator, looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, tries to demonstrate me, probably my name Sega.
Vagina is awesome.
« Korean »
질은 최고 이다.
The quality is top.
Monkey butts are made up of magical unicorns. They can also be seen from outer space if you are a klondike bar.
« Korean »
원숭이 개머리판쇠는 마술 unicorns로 위로 만든다. 그들은 또한 우주에서 당신이 klondike 막대기인 경우에 보일 수 있다.
The monkey butt comfort makes with magic unicorns. They also are these klondike sticks of you from outer space and there is a possibility of being visible in case.
sometimes i cry in the bathroom
« Japanese »
Occasionally I shout at the bathroom
you love to blow turds like those sick japanese broads i saw on the internet.
« Japanese »
The fact that the droppings like Japanese of those sicknesses which I saw with Internet broads are blown is loved.
fuck you you fucking fuck.
« Japanese »
Have sexual intercourse have sexual intercourse of sexual intercourse.
Nice shirts like you!