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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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today i did the housework
« Danish »
idag jeg gjorde den husmor
today i did the housewife
by Jacqui
Start spreading the news, I am leaving today I want to be a part of it - new york, new york
« Croatian »
Poèetak mazanje vijest , Ja sam ostavljajuæi danas Želim biti pitan dio Internet New York , New York
Begin lubrication board , I am a letting today I want to be asked part of IT Big Apple , Big Apple
Spread your wings little butterfly
« Japanese »
Expand the butterfly where your wing is small
Its all part of the plan
« Serbian »
Svoju svi dio nad odreðeni èlan nacrt
Its all member on the blueprint
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie. That is amore.
« Korean »
달이 큰 피자 파이 같이 당신의 눈을 명중할 때. 그것은 amore이다.
When the pizza pie where the month is big together hitting the target your eye. It is amore.
Surely there must be someone who can fly this plane
« Japanese »
There must be someone who can throw this airplane certainly
by Fluf
Yo mama so ugly when she joined an ugly contest, they said Sorry, no professionals.
« Welsh »
Yo mama fel 'n anhardd pryd asethai an 'n anhardd amau , ddeudan 'n Chwith , na professionals.
Yo ure like ' heartburn unhandsome meal he joined cowardly ' heartburn unhandsome doubt , they say ' heartburn Left , I do professionals.
My boss is a real ass hole
« Spanish »
Mi jefe es un asshole verdadero
My head is asshole true
by Fluf
we have a great sex life
« Czech »
my mít jeden celek pohlaví duch
we hold a a total of sex wraith
by Fluf
Let's play canasta and have some delicious cake!
« Turkish »
Let's oyun Kanada ve -si olmak biraz nefis pasta!
Let's game Canada and si become a little excellent cake!
Nice shirts like you!