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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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L'équipe des bleus et les français, outrés par l'affront fait à la Marseillaise.
« Serbian »
Gradska nadzemna željeznica opskrbiti plav pa Francuski , nasilje kod gradska nadzemna željeznica uvrediti napravljen s odreðeni èlan Marseljeza.
Le chemin de fer urbain d'overground régénèrent bleu et français, coercition à l'affront ferroviaire d'overground urbain fait avec le Marseillaise.
and when there is no hope i smoke some crack i shoot some dope.
« Japanese »
When and the smoke of desire I there is no crack I, the dope paint is shot.
Le lundi c’est le jour du geek sur poptronics, avec la sélection de liens insolites, exotiques et dispensables, en association avec la mailing list le « Lien du jour », réservée aux homo numericus purs et durs
« Japanese »
Lundi que coopérant avec la liste d'adresses, étant étrange, le jour du fou du poptronics qui emploie le choix de l'unité dispensable exotique, parce que la personne pure étant numericus joint est « unité garantie de jour » et est désireux
If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?
« Finnish »
Tokko I-KIRJAIN mainittu te had ihana aine te estää se vastaan we?
If I - LETTER said you had glorious stuff you hold it versus me?
by Geoff
I want to stick my tongue in your butt hole
« German »
Ich möchte meine Zunge in Ihrem Kolbenloch haften
I would like to cling my tongue in your piston hole
To be or not to be; That is the question
« Chinese (traditional) »
生存还是毁灭; 那是問題
The survival destroys; That is a question
Hi, how is the weather? I hope to get out of this rain someday.
« Latin »
Hi , quam est tempestas? Spero impetro ex is pluvia nonnullus.
THESE are loyal to the king , how is storm? I hope to get out of this rain some.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they are like it is better than yours. Damn right it is better than yours. I could teach you but I would have to charge
« German »
Mein Milchshake holt alle Jungen zum Yard und sie sind wie es sind besser als Ihr. Verfluchtes Recht ist es besser als Ihr. Ich könnte Sie unterrichten, dass aber ich würde aufladen müssen
Mine milk-hooks gets all boys to the yard and it is like it is better than it. Cursed right is better it than it. I could inform you that however I would have to load
There can only be one!
« Japanese »
Simply when there is one, it is!
Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
« Korean »
자유에서 생각되고, 모든 사람은 평등하게 창조되었다 건의안에 전념한 새로운 국가가, 이 대륙에, 4개의 점수에 의하여 및 7 년은 전에 우리의 조상 생겼다.
Is thought from freedom, all people equally, in the proposition which is created concentrated the new nation, in this continent, in compliance with the score 4 and our ancestor happened on former of 7 years.
Nice shirts like you!