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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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« Japanese »
Somehow the can
I am going to the store to buy a banana hammock. Intrigued?
« Danish »
Jeg er igangværende hen til den opmagasinere hen til indkøbe en banan hammer. spændende
I am in progress to the warehouse to purchase a banana hammer. absorbing
why do you smell like shit?
« Japanese »
Why is to smell every is [wa] liked?
I feel like taking a nap when i get home
« Czech »
JÁ cítìní do téže míry dobytí schrupnutí kdy já brát domov
SELF sentiment like winning forty winks when self nibble house
I wanna, li-li-li-lick you from yo' head to yo' toes And I wanna, move from the bed down to the down to the to the flo' Then I wanna, ahh ahh - you make it so good I don't wanna leave But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy
« Japanese »
私はに、リチウムリチウムリチウム舐めるyo'からのほしい; yo'への頭部; つま先 そして私はflo'にに羽毛に、ベッドからの移にほしい; それから私はに、ahhのahhほしい-それにそうよいI don'を作る; tは去りたいと思うが、何what'をか私はに、kn kn kn知っている得た; sあなたのファンtatasy
My range, lithium lithium lithium yo& which is licked; We want from the #039; yo& Head to #039; Toe and as for me flo& In the #039 in the feather, we want in transferring/changing from the bed; Then my range, ahh of ahh we want, - I don& which is good to that so; The #039 is made; t we would like to go away, but no what& My range, kn kn kn you have known, whether the #039 you obtained; s your fan tatasy
I am about to put her under pimp arrest for reckless eye balling
« Japanese »
Putting her under obstruction of the prostitution services trader for rash eye [baringu] approximately there is I
My Japanese is very bad. Please understand that I do not mean to offend you.
« Japanese »
私の日本人は非常に悪い。 私がおこらせることを意味しないことを理解しなさい。
My Japanese is bad very. Understand the fact that the fact that I make happen is not meant.
Would you like to lick my hemorrhoid?
« Japanese »
Is the fact that my hemorrhoid is licked liked?
Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.
« Latin »
Ladies quod liberalis take meus consultum , traho down vestri pardus quod labor lapsus in glacies.
Ladies and courteous take my decree , to drag down your panther and to slip upon ice.
I love grey-heard people.
« Spanish »
Amo a gente gris-oída.
Master to gray-heard people.
Nice shirts like you!