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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Billie Jean Is Not My Lover, She is Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son, She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son.
« German »
Billie Jean ist nicht mein Geliebter, Sie ist gerade ein Mädchen, das behauptet, dass ich der bin, aber das Kind ist nicht mein Sohn, Sie sagt, dass ich der bin, aber das Kind nicht mein Sohn ist.
Billie Jean is not my loving, It is a straight girl, who states that I am that, but the child is not my son, you says that I am that, but the child my son is not.
by Fluf
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
« Hungarian »
EGY ember , egy tervez , egy csatorna , Panama!
ONE man , one schemes , one duct , Panama!
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer. Jonathan Frakes is William Riker first officer. LeVar Burton is Geordi La Forge chief engineer. Michael Dorn is Worf, Klingon, security and tactical officer. Gates McFadden is Beverly Crusher Chief medical officer. Marina Sirtis is Deanna Troi, Half-Betazoid / half-Human, Ship counselor. Brent Spiner is Data and Lore, Android Second officer.
« Slovenian »
patricijski strežaj je moèno platno Luc bolezensko poželjenje po nenaravni hrani kapitan ter gospodovalen uslužbenec. jonatan Frakes je napad živènosti Riker prvi èastnik na ladji. popihati jo da ne bi plaèal škripèevje je Jurij poglej ješa strojni upravitelj. Mihelovo Dorn je Worf Klingon , varnost ter taktika uslužbenec. ura ko se sklepajo vrata collegea McFadden je pijaèa drobilec starešina uradni zdravnik. marinirano meso ribe Sirtis je dekan Troi , pol Betazoid pol - èloveški , ladja nasvet. Brent hrbtenica je novice ter znanje Android seconda uslužbenec.
patrician steward there is jean Luc pica ship-master and overruling officer. Jonathan Spiketail there is thrust nervousness Riker first officer. vamoose lest stipend whip and derry there is George look here forge chief engineer. Michaelmas Dorn there is Worf Wedge , security and taktika officer. gates McFadden there is wetting jaw-breaker senior medical officer. marinade Sirtis there is dean Troi , terminal Betazoid terminal mortally , ship tip. Wooden tub vretence there is data and science Android second officer.
by Fluf
Marina Sirtis is Deanna Troi, Half-Betazoid / half-Human, Ship counselor.
« Icelandic »
Smábátahöfn Sirtis er Deildarforseti Troi , Helmingur Betazoid helmingur - Mannlegur , Skip ráð.
Marina Sirtis is Dean Troi , Half Betazoid half Mainstay Skip wherewithal.
by Fluf
Gates McFadden is Beverly Crusher Chief medical officer.
« Hungarian »
Sorompó McFadden van Ital Zúzógép Fõ orvosi tiszt.
Turnpike McFadden there is Drink Masher Main betony.
by Fluf
Jonathan Frakes is William Riker first officer.
« Finnish »
Jonathan Frakes on Halukas Riker edellä virkamies.
Jonathan Fraction is Anxious Misdemeanour first official.
by Fluf
Michael Dorn is Worf, Klingon, security and tactical officer.
« Swedish »
Mikael Dorn är Worf Klingon , trygghet och taktisk officeren.
Michael Dorn is Worf Tinkle , securities and tactical officer.
by Fluf
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer.
« Czech »
Patrik Správce is Džinsy Luc Anglická typografická míra Kapitán a Velící dùstojník.
Patrick Warden is Jeans Luc Pica Skipper plus Commanding officer.
by Fluf
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer.
« Latin »
Pium Vilicus est Jean Luc Picard Caput quod To order muneris.
Honest Villicus is Jean Luc Jay Capitis and Command service.
by Fluf
Sex is so over rated
« German »
Geschlecht ist so über steuerpflichtigem
Sex is like that over taxable
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